I mention here some materials which you might find interesting.
- „The Tibetan Book Of Living & Dying”, by Sogyal Rinpoche
- „The Gospel of the Essenes: The Unknown Books of the Essenes / Lost Scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood” by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
- „Course In Miracles”, Foundation for Inner Peace
- „The Abundance Book”, by John Randolph Price
- „The Philosophy of Natural Magic”, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa
- „Discover Your Intuition”, by Darlene Pitts
- „Lifecycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life”, by Christopher M. Bache
I would also recommend you to read books written by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Edgar Cayce or Rudolf Steiner.
Music / spiritual albums created by gifted artists, helping in relaxing, meditation
- Mark Watson albums: www.angelearthmusic.com
- „Archangel Themes I”, by Mark Watson
- „Archangel Themes II”, by Mark Watson
- „Archangel Themes III”, by Mark Watson
- Peter Sterling albums: www.harpmagic.com
- Steven Halpern albums : www.innerpeacemusic.com
I will bring here special Thanks to some particular spiritual artists who allowed me to post on my website their magnificent artworks. I invite you to visit their websites and to enjoy their beautiful artwork.
- Marius – Michael George, www.mariusfineart.com
- Corey Wolfe, www.coreywolfe.com
- Bruce Harman, www.harmanvisions.com
- Eva M. Sakmar-Sullivan, www.stardolphin.com
- Daniel B. Holeman, www.AwakenVisions.com