Raphael - Angelicsign.com


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Raphael name means „God Heals” and his aura is emerald green. His energy is active, masculine. We find Raphael in the Tree of Life, as the Eight Sephirah, manifesting HOD, „The Glory of God” and representing the „Archangels” Choir.

If you work on healing, Raphael is your reliable friend. Every time when you call him you can visualize his emerald healing light, you can even sense how he is moving his healing hands over your body. He always comes when you call him. If you feel any attraction for the green light, think of Raphael. When you don’t feel well, visualize this miraculous green healing light covering your body, inhale it, watch it entering in every cell of your body and you will feel better. The forces of thought and of imagination accelerate the attraction forces impact on yourself and over the people around you.

Archangel Raphael helps you to fix any lack of balance you may have at physical and behavior level, and there we can talk about behavioral or food addictions. Raphael works on your body at deep energetic level, adjusting your frequencies and clearing any blocks, entities, toxins or psychic attacks. You just need to ask for his help and to accept it. Raphael will handle the rest.

If you have healing energy in your hands activated, call Raphael to guide you, to help you understand this kind of energy, to control it and to make it be part of you. He will guide you toward some specific courses or bring to your attention books you may read. He can even help you with the financial support which will allow you to develop this kind of healing activity.

Archangel Raphael is involved in any kind of healing: physical, emotional or mental. He will help you understand if your life purpose is related to the healing work and what specific type of healing would be. We may see more and more ancient healing therapy rising to surface, as plants therapy, aromatherapy, crystals therapy. The healing work can be related also with animals. If you feel any inclination towards healing work, Raphael will clarify each aspect and will stay right near you on every step you’ll take on this direction. You never ask him too much. He will be with you.

I consider myself rather an intermediary channel, more of a guide than a healer, but I can tell you from personal experience that you can always count on Raphael’s help. He is always ready to work through you, because in fact, is God working through his angels and through us, not us directly.


Once I was feeling very bad and I asked Raphael to help me. Then he interfered immediately and told me what crystals to put on my body, what to ask to the crystals’ spirits, how to keep my receptive hand (left) in order to receive his healing energy, even how to keep the palm in order to receive faster the energy. Then I saw him standing in front of me, explaining me how to breathe, how much time to keep the air within the body, where to send that air, how to exhale. I remember him telling me:” Look at me, do exactly like I do; breath with me in the same time…do this and that.” In five minutes I was enjoying a coffee in the backyard thanking to my lovely friend Raphael for his entire support.

Before ending, I would like to mention few things about the hands’ energies. Some people, here I include myself, have „examiner hands” or „searching hands” – as a fiend of mine was naming them – meaning that I identify energetic attachments, losses of energy. It also happens, but with the given consent of the other one, to touch with my receptive hand his forehead and to enter in a different dimension in which I receive information about my client. This action is related to clairsentience. I had a meeting with a very good friend who has special healing abilities using her hands. This meeting was under supervision of Raphael. And while I was identifying things with my hands, she was trying to „know” my hand. But her energetic body was very powerful and she did not feel my hands, because her energy was assimilating my hands’ energy. In that moment, Raphael helped me to understand the difference between „healing hands” and „searching hands”. When she and I positioned our palms one towards another, I sensed her healing hands as a burning flame, while she sensed my „searching hands” as a special warm energy. After that, I identified on her back a spot through which she was losing energy and Raphael interfered through my hands to heal that area. In that moment, she started to feel my hands working on her back, because actually Raphael was using his energy through them.

Therefore, the hands can use the energy for different reasons: to heal, to search or to transfer information and energy from one body to another. Archangel Raphael together with Prince Metatron and Archangel Sandalphon help you in raising your vibration at body level and in opening the energy centers from your hands for informational and energetic transfer, bringing more value to your light worker services.

Raphael, I want to thank you for walking by my side on my spiritual path and for bringing into my attention such fine details or subtle aspects I have never heard of or found in any books before.

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