Ascension -

Course Ascension

Claim your empowerment and bring it down into your life
to achieve Spiritual Mastery over physical plane
with Ramona Popescu,
spiritual explorer / ascension / galactic civilizations

The two-module Ascension course was created with the help of the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters are enlightened Beings who acquired mastery over physical reality, freeing themselves from the cycles of „re-embodiment” and choosing to stay around the planet to help other souls on the Ascension pathway.

Ascension is the ultimate divine goal pursued by a soul engaged in the School of Life on planet Earth. This stage is reached by a soul after many incarnations in the third and forth dimensions summing up high awareness, karma- balancing and different degrees of expanded consciousness.


This module represents the foundation upon which Spiritual Mastery is built. It breaks down ambiguity, leading to discovering yourself as a Divine Essence.

The following questions will be answered during the class:

  • Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I heading?

  • What important goals have I set for this incarnation?

  • What does multidimensionality mean?

  • What is ascension?

  • Who can help me on my ascension pathway?

  • How to connect with Ascended Masters?

  • What practical tools can I have to effectively progress on my spiritual pathway and how can I use them?

Topics covered during the class:

  • Ascension
  • Dimensions
  • Higher Self and Monad
  • open, activate and anchor your 12 fifth dimensional chakras

  • Huna Prayer
  • Connecting to Ascended Masters, Chohans, their personalities and other Galactic Beings of Light: Sanat Kumara, Saint Germain, El Morya, Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul, Hilarion, Serapis Bey, Ashtar Command, Lord Lanto, Merlin 

  • Channel information with the Masters
  • Members of the Karmic Board
  • Travel to the etheric retreats through meditation

  • Working with the Violet Flame
  • Ways to build the Light Body and to rise the vibration

Where: Bucharest (Romania) or abroad

Duration: 3 days

Cost : 300 EUR


If you are interested in attending this class in your area, please send me an email us at



If the first module helps us understand important aspects of our Divine origin and purpose, the second one deepens our existing knowledge substituting the abstract concepts with powerful and practical tools easy to work with, in order to reach our evolutionary goal: ascension.

Topics covered during the class:

  • Subconscious – Conscious – Superconscious Mind – exercises
  • 4 lower bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) – exercises on balancing, alignment & integration of the four bodies have an essential part in the manifestation process

  • Mahatma Energy

  • How to achieve Christ Consciousness – key elements & practices

  • Melchizedek Order

  • The science of channeling – practice

  • Connecting with higher energies and Higher Masters
  • The science of the twelve spiritual rays; exercises

  • Key elements in manifestation

Where: Bucharest (Romania) or abroad

Duration: 3 days

Cost : 300 EUR


If you are interested in attending this class in your area, please email us at


Participants’ opinions:

"I lived an experience of joy that filled my soul. The contact with the Masters was an ineffable experience. I deepened information I had heard or knew. But I also learned a lot of new things.”
“The two modules represent landmarks for the spiritual evolution of a soul incarnated on Earth. If you managed to attract them into your life, congratulations! But you should know that the journey has just begun…”
a soul traveling on planet Earth
“My meeting Ramona was full of revelations, a true rediscovery of the Self. This two-module course gave me the opportunity to meet my spiritual guides I had intuitively known and to build an empowering relationship with them. The course helped me to structure the information I had gathered over time, to fill in some gaps and to clarify many unanswered questions. But what you get most is the practice you acquire to progress on your pathway with more ease and clarity.”
“It is utterly necessary to attend this course for your spiritual development. It is highly intense and active in emotional healing. Understanding is liberating.”
“It is a complete course.You can easily understand it and practice it to help yourself and others.”
“Because of this course, I became aware of my inner Divinity.”
“This two-module ascension course helped me to discover new direction of personal development, on all levels. It helped me to understand and integrate the information I had already acquired and to see life more beautifully.”
Iulian G.
“This course helped me a lot in my evolution as a Lightworker. It opened up new perspectives for me, clarified aspects I hadn’t been aware of and guided me to higher levels in my spiritual evolution.”
Lucia V.
The Oracle of Dacian plants
Those who want to have access to higher knowledge, believe in a Universal Divine Order and want to know their address in this Universe, should attend this ascension course.
Reconnective Healing Practitioner
I can only say that I recommend to all this two-module course, which brought me much-needed clarifications and extraordinary personal transformation.I consider it a comprehensive guide to understanding the meaning of All That Is, and I intend to keep working with the tools provided in the second module.
Carmina Smith
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